DIRECTOR: Mo. Iqbal Mavlana Moosa Mankrod

Special English Dept.

Special English Dept.

Markaz-e-Islami Education & Research Centre

Diploma in English Language & Literature Course

Today’s Ulama & their Responsibility

As a matter of fact, both the Madrasa and Ulama are equally considered to be the backbone and soul of Muslim Ummah since the whole system of religious education is based upon them. No one can dare to deny the most stellar and magnificent role they have been playing in respect of imparting Islamic teachings as well as the selfless services they have been rendering with view to keep the true Islamic spirit alive among the whole Muslim community for decades, without fail. Building a nation is, of course, not an ordinary or easy job rather it is an enormous extraordinary mission as well as a great religious responsibility that lies on their shoulders alone. Indeed, as the inheritors of Prophets, the bearers of divine revelation and the holders of prophetic traditions, it becomes their bounden duty to defy Islam especially in this age of corrupt; when the enemies of Islam are leaving no stone unturned to defame Islam and blacken the Muslim characters through every possible attempts, for instance, through imposing a pile of false objections and painting them with various bad labels.

Agreeably, both the Electronic and Print Media have proved to be a significant tool to communicate our message to others effectively. Unfortunately, the same media is in the power of Jews and Christians who are making full disadvantages out of it with an intention to accomplish their dirty objectives through inculcating misconceptions against Islam in the minds of people through penning down different articles consisting of blasphemous and misleading contents in English Newspapers as well as broadcasting deceptive materials on T.V channels. To our utter surprise, for the same purpose, most of the websites on internet are precisely designed by Christian missionaries and other so-called mislead Muslims under the cover of various beautiful Islamic titles. Taking for instance, free-mason is on the top of such websites. Regrettably, our Ulama, in spite of possessing a sound knowledge of Islamic teachings in Arabic or other second languages taught in Madrasas, are unable to retort them due to lacking proficiency in English language. It is really a tough time for Ulama to deal with this challenging time. It really calls for their close attention in this regard. In such precarious condition, thanks to Maulana Moosa Mankrod, the honorable Principal of Madrasa, who sensed the pulse of time and stepped forward to establish such a faculty where Ulama could equip themselves with English language.

Ulama & English Literacy

There is no deny of fact that Arabic Language occupies a place of outstanding importance in Islamic Literacy, as it is the language of our beloved prophet, Muhammad (SAWS), the language of his Companions (Sahabah (RTA), the language of the dwellers of Paradise (Ahl-e-Jannah), most importantly, it is the same language which had been fortunate enough to be chosen by Allah to reveal His Words (i.e. the Glorious Book, the Holy Qura’n). It is the same language that is considered to be the real source of comprehending Islamic Knowledge efficiently. Apart from the Holy Qura’n and the Holy Hadith; the mainstream of all sorts of knowledge, a great deal of Islamic teachings is consisting in the same language.

Needless to mention that, Ulama, previously went against this language but the fact is in fact that they were not opposed to learn English Language itself but they were afraid of the destructive culture and civilization of its native speakers that might instill in Muslim society as well. On contrary to it, most of spiritual leaders of our time, realizing the necessity of English Language in the propagation of Islamic teachings, are emphazing on learning it especially when the enemies of Islam adopted it as a means to defame and attack Islam. So, English can serve us as a militancy to defy the attacks and onslaughts on Islam. Besides it, English has become an International and communicative language in this modern age. It has been widely dispersed around the world, becoming the leading language of international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions. It is the third most natively spoken language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. Modern English is the dominant language or in some instances even the most required international language of communications, science, information technology, business, seafaring, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy. It has become a part and parcel of every individual of us in his day-to-day life, be it is while making journeys to English-speaking countries, interacting with intelligentsias or doing official activities etc.

In a nutshell, we need it in all walks of our day to day life. English language is seen as a license to success in every field. Anyone lacking proficiency in this language, Muslims in general and Ulama in particular are coined by different bad terms as extremists, fundamentalists and dogmatic who are hardly inclined to learn this language.



Thus, Markaz-e-Islami opened a leading faculty in 2003 named ‘Markaz-e-Islami Education and Research Centre’, introducing a 2-years special English course. The faculty was founded through the kind suggestions and valuable directions given by the spiritual leaders of our time. The foundation stone of the faculty was laid by Maulana Moosa Saheb Mankrod. It aims to equip Madrasa Graduates (Ulama) with English Language and modern technology, like computer and internet, with the intention that they could find themselves capable to represent Islam and true teachings in proper way, in this modern world to the so-called modern educated people. It has been, so far, very successful and it has produced 7 batches comprising 98 Ulama and at present 47 Ulama are under training in first and final years. It is needless to mention here that it is a part of the curriculum of the department for the students to join Tablighi Jam’aah once a year for forty days as a practical training.

Al-hamdulillah, by virtue of the sincere prayers and wholehearted contribution of its well-wishers and philanthropists, the department is still advancing towards a new milestone by leaps and bounds.

Our Patrons

Maualan Qamruzzaman Saheb


Chief Advisor

It would be ungrateful if we don’t make a special mention of Maulana Muhammad Ibrahim Saheb Sholapur, whose wholehearted dedication, valuable advices, insightful suggestions and constructive guidance had been a considerable assistance in the glorious success of the department.

Governing Body

The Managing Committee of the Darul Uloom consists of distinguished Muslim divines of the country and of men known for their solicitude for the religious welfare of Muslims. It is an elected body with a fixed tenure. When the term of a member of the Committee expires, a new member is elected in his place. The retiring member can also seek re-election.

The Governing body of Darul Uloom Markaz-e-Islami consists of 13 Members from various fields from education as well as corporate. All success is essentially team work and each team member is very dependable sharing responsibility to contribute for this noble cause in the field of education.The organization of the body consists of:

Honorable Principal: Mo. Iqbal Movlana Moosa Mankrod

The Reverend Director: Maulana Ismail Saheb Mankrod.

President: Mo. Iqbal Movlana Moosa Mankrod

Vice-President: Maulana Ismail Saheb Mankrod.

Secretary: Maulana Muhammad Vadia.

Treasurer: Master Nazeer Saheb (Markazi Society, Ankleshwar.)

Teaching Staff

True says the proverb, ‘Like teacher like taught’. Indeed, a well-qualified and experienced teacher allows his students to achieve their goals in educational field. He can mould his students according to his wish. The noble cause of teaching and learning process is impossible without a teacher. Hence, we give privilege to provide our students here with the expert teachers. Since the very beginning of this Department, we had a range of teachers so far. Let’s have a look upon them respectively

  1. Maulana Shamsul Huda Saheb Qasmi
  2. Maulana Kamaluddin Saheb Qasmi
  3. Maulana Ibrahim Saheb Qasmi
  4. Maulana Saeed Anwar Saheb Qasmi
  5. Maulana Manzar Saheb Qasmi
  6. Maulana Khurshid Saheb Qasmi
  7. Maulana Akram Saheb Qasmi
  8. Mufti Abdul Qawi Saheb Qasmi
  9. Maulana Zakiurrahman Saheb QasmiMaulana Asif Iqbal Saheb Qasmi

We take a proud privilege to inform you that at present we have five teachers available in our department who are dedicating here their yeoman services. Besides teaching, they pay their full attention to the spiritual training of the students supposed to be enrolled in the course. The most peculiar point of interest is that all of them are fortunate enough to be the graduate and product of the same department established in Ankleshwar. They are as follows

  1. Maulana Saeed Saheb Qasmi
  2. Maulana Asif Azmi Saheb Qasmi
  3. Maulana Sanaullah Saheb Qasmi
  4. Maulana Mamun Rashid Saheb Khanpuri
  5. Maulana Arshad Saheb Ishati.
Our Syllabus

Learning or attaining mastery over any language is not a child-play or a magic-wand; it rather amounts to ‘cracking a hard nut’. It requires a well-planned, result-oriented, concise but comprehensive material as well as the teachers possessing a lot of experience in language teaching field that ensures the students to achieve their goal successfully.

Since, the Ulama, due to already dedicating 10/11 consecutive years in Alimiyat (graduation in Islamiyat) course could hardly take out or spare a long period of time to learn English Language. Hence, a short-term syllabus had been designed for them as per the pattern of Markaz-ul-Marif. The course aims to cover the 12 years long procedure as compared to the very syllabus applied for the students in higher schools and colleges. Thus, a result-oriented syllabus had been designed for Ulama that could match their ability and capacity standard simultaneously. Let’s have a close look at the syllabus mentioned respectively


It is no doubt true that textbook plays a crucial role in building and honing up a learner’s comprehensive skills in any subject. Therefore, we have chosen a reliable Textbook named NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Traininig) taught specially in state level schools of Gujarat.


It is only the grammatical rules and regulations that guarantee the full accuracy of any language, be it is in written or oral form. Here, the first year students are taught the selected chapters of a high standard grammar book named, ‘Wren and Martin’ during the course of whole year.

Anglo-Urdu Translation:

As, translation method is better known as ‘Classical Method’ of teaching any language, is one of the oldest methods. It is also economical in use. In the translation, the meaning of English words, phrases and sentences are translated into the mother tongue. Both the first and second year students are taught Urdu-English and English –Urdu Translation through various types of books, magazines and newspapers.

Anglo-Arabic Translation:

They are equally trained in rendering Arabic material of Qura’n and Hadith and other Islamic contents into English Language so that they can carry on Dawah activities properly.

Studies in Islam

As an Alim and the preacher of Islamic teachings, it is very necessary for him to make himself acquainted with the exact explaination and meanings in English of the terminologies and expressions used used in Arabic language. For the same purpose, we have given a place in our syllabus to a famous book entitled as ‘Studies in Islam’ authored by Maulana Abdul Azeez.

Essay & Composition

Essay & Composition is considered to be an effective tool to express one’s ideas logically and in continuation. It develops the imaginations of the students in writing skills. In this period, the students are supposed to be given the most burning issues and higly demanded topics.


No doubt, speaking plays an important role in one’s life. The first impression that we form about a person is from the way he speaks. Life without speech is dull and boring. It is therefore essential that speech should be given its due place in the teaching learning process. n spoken class, held after Zuhar Nmaz continuing till Asar Namaz, the students here are trained through different methods and approaches generally used for enhancing speaking skills such as conducting group discussions, conversations, interpretation and different religious and worldly topics handed over to them by their teachers to be delivered on the spot within the limited time allowed to them.

Computer Course

It has become necessary to equip Madrasa Graduates (Ulama) with English Language and modern technology, like computer and internet, with the intention that they could find themselves capable to represent Islam and true teachings in proper way, in this modern world to the so-called modern educated people. After Zuhar to Asar, the second year students are trained in different computer programs like MS Office, MS Dos, Corel Draw, Impage and internet etc. For detailed information, kindly click on the link Our Curriculum.

Our Products so far
Al-hamdulillah, a number of Ulama have benefited from the same course so far. Many of them are rendering different Islamic valuable services through imparting Islamic teachings in different Islamic Madrasas, Universities, schools, colleges and so on, both in India and abroad.

For detailed information, kindly click on the link Our Products.

Educational Amenities

To make an easy-learning atmosphere and making the students feel comfortable while learning and studying, we have spacious, well lit and ventilated classrooms.

Conducting Programmes

The students are inspired to participate in different educational programs in English conducted by the institute as a practical training.

Listening Day

On Listening Day, the students are supposed to listen to English speeches delivered by different speakers and orators of our time belonging to both India and abroad through their recorded CD’s and DVD’s on computer under the very supervision of their teachers.

Weekly Programme

A weekly program is held on every Thursday after Isha Salah that continues for almost one and half hour. All the students have to attend this program while some students deliver speeches on different topics in English Language. The program aims to boost English speaking skill of our students.

English Newspapers

In order to keep oneself abreast with the current affairs running around the world, it is essential to go through the newspapers. It is a well-known fact that the language a newspaper consists is always literary one. It may serve as a helpful tool to boost up one’s communicative skills in English effectively. In view of this, we provide the Ulama students with various popular English newspapers of our country as ‘The Times of India’, The Indian Express’ and so on.


In an educational institute a good library is must and essential. No institute can server without an adequate library. A complete library in an institute is like a soul in human body. In this view, MIERC has provided students with a well equipped library with a wide range of books on English literacy based on different burning issues and important topics as well as a contemporary collection of motivational books for personality development. It also abounds with the books relating comparative religion. The teachers and students quench their educational thirst going through them.

Admission Rules & Regulations

The institute has always been doing its best to provide the students with the best facilities as much as possible. As an outcome of sincere service and result-oriented efforts of the institute, there is a heavy rush for admission every year of well-qualified students from various celebrated Islamic institutes of different states.

Looking into the demand in admission, our experienced and well-qualified administration team ensures the candidates graduated from various Islamic institutes, academies and universities their admissions in the course after giving their qualifying exam following some admission rules and regulations. They are as follows

Aims & Objectives

Before its foundation, the faculty had kept before it some main objectives as

  • To examine the principles and injunctions of the Shariat with a view to keep it in conformity with the fundamental guidance of the Quran and the Sunnat so as to address the ever-increasing modern questions and problems.
  • To propagate Islamic faith and ideas by suitable literature.
  • To equip Ulama students with English Language and modern tools.
  • To train them in delivering speeches based on different topics for the effective propagation of Islamic teachings..
  • To instill in them fervor of the propagation of Islamic teachings.
  • To boost the quality education of Ulama.
  • To make them the true representatives of the beliefs and notions of Ahl-e-Sunnah wal Jama’h.
  • To render a noble service as to convert the most required Islamic books precisely authored by our both modern and ancient authentic Islamic Scholers into English language for an effective comprehension of Islamic Teachings at large..
  • To ignite the spark of learning Islamic knowledge.
  • To enhance the personality of our students as well as develop their self-confidence, self-respect and a positive attitude towards life.

The products of MIERC have made their mark by creating a new mould of educational system consistent with the spirit of Islamic teachings as well as the demands of changing times. The faculty has succeeded in bringing forth a body of Ulama who could feel the pulse of time and adequately carry out the function of Islamic preaching and propagation in the context of the demands made by the modern age. This has also gone a long way in bridging the gulf between the modern educated classes and those who had received theological education.

During its brief history MIERC has accomplished the work of centuries. It has fulfilled the tasks which even the government schools would have found difficult to achieve within such a short period of time. And all this has been done in the face of unrelenting financial difficulties, its sole source of income being the donations and contributions made to it from time to time by Muslim philanthropists. Had it been granted greater opportunities and had its financial resources been wider it would certainly have achieved much more and given the World of Islam something which would have really been wonderful.

Still, it is a matter of deep satisfaction that the faculty has been able to fulfill, with the Grace of God, the tasks it had set before itself. The importance of its objectives was realized by the religious and literary circles. It has succeeded in providing a common platform to the religious scholars of the old school of thought and the modern educated Muslim intelligentsia. It bridged the gap between Ulama and masses at a time when it was most needed. It produced a number of highly distinguished speakers and orators of religion who made an impress on the educational and cultural life of the Indian Muslims. A fairly large number of our products have ceaselessly been rendering highly meritorious religious and literary services to the community and the country. With its lofty ideals, glorious traditions and magnificent record of work, it can be developed into a sort of universal lighthouse-intellectual as well as spiritual for the world of Islam. (Insha-Allah)