DIRECTOR: Mo. Iqbal Mavlana Moosa Mankrod

Aims And Objectives

Aims And Objectives

  • To promote the Islamic education with its pristine purity and orthodox originality.
  • To establish schools and colleges to provide Muslim children with secular education in an Islamic environment..
  • To enable each and every individual to read the Qur’an with correct pronunciation, and have the understanding of Deen.
  • To promote the Islamic beliefs and culture.
  • To Increase the Islamic awareness of the Muslim nation through constant efforts to serve Islamic causes around the world..
  • To eliminate illiteracy, one of the main obstacles that hinder the development of poor Muslims in this region..
  • To Help Muslims to preserve and enhance their Islamic identity..
  • To produce Islamic scholars who can not only lead Salah but also solve the problems facing the Ummah across the globe.
  • To train and educate preachers who have deep knowledge of the Holy Qur’an and Ahadees along with a deep insight of the prevailing situation and who can judge and take remedial action for changing moral environment for the betterment.


Before its foundation, the faculty had kept before it some main objectives as
  • To examine the principles and injunctions of the Shariat with a view to keep it in conformity with the fundamental guidance of the Quran and the Sunnat so as to address the ever-increasing modern questions and problems.
  • To propagate Islamic faith and ideas by suitable literature
  • To equip Ulama students with English Language and modern tools
  • To train them in delivering speeches based on different topics for the effective propagation of Islamic teachings.
  • To instill in them fervor of the propagation of Islamic teachings
  • To boost the quality education of Ulama
  • To make them the true representatives of the beliefs and notions of Ahl-e-Sunnah wal Jama’h
  • To render a noble service as to convert the most required Islamic books precisely authored by our both modern and ancient authentic Islamic Scholers into English language for an effective comprehension of Islamic Teachings at large.
  • To ignite the spark of learning Islamic knowledge
  • To enhance the personality of our students as well as develop their self-confidence, self-respect and a positive attitude towards life.