DIRECTOR: Mo. Iqbal Mavlana Moosa Mankrod



It is known to all that a library for an educational institute is as a soul and sprit in the human body. With this view, Darul Uloom has a remarkable library, includes more than seven (7) thousand books on following subjects.

  • The Holy Quran includes more than 710 books
  • Hadeth Shareef 1080 books
  • Fiqhe 685 books
  • Adab 274 books


  • Muhazarat 165 books
  • Balagat 100 books
  • Wasool Fiqhe 200 books
  • Naho and Sarf 200 books


  • Mantique 75 books
  • Tasauf 868 books
  • Seerat 700 books
  • Tareekh 300 books


  • Fatawah 450 books
  • Tajwed &Qirat 430 books
  • Aquaid 85 books
  • Logat and Rasail 132 books etc.


At last: In an educational institute a good library is must and essential. No Institute can serve without an adequate library. A complete library in an institute is like a soul in human body. Darul Uloom tries its best to develop this department. At present the library has more than 7,000 books on different subjects. The teachers and students quench their educational thirst studying them.