DIRECTOR: Mo. Iqbal Mavlana Moosa Mankrod

Source of Income

Source of Income

Darul Uloom Markaze Islami does not have any permanent source of income to meet all its needs. It totally depends on the financial support we receive from the Muslim community. Therefore we sincerely request and appeal to all Muslim brothers to donate towards the cause of Deen and be rewarded by Allah Ta’ala in this world and in the Hereafter. JazakAllah


The sponsorship cost for one student. The cost is in INR and US$ for 1 year and for the full course period assuming student successfully completes each of the courses.
Section Period INR US$
1 Yr Course 1 Yr Course
Diniyat Primary student 3 years 8500 25500 210 630
Memorizing (Hifz) student 3 years 10000 30000 250 750
Arabic (Alimiyat) student 8 years 10000 80000 250 2000
One bore-well 50000 1250
  • Once the donor decides to sponsor a project, Darul Uloom Markaze Islami will carry out the project on his/her behalf.
  • After going through paperwork, Darul Uloom Markaze Islami will make the project contract, supervise its implementation and progress.
  • Darul Uloom Markaze Islami implements its projects according to the donor’s directions.
  • After the project is completed, Darul Uloom Markaze Islami will ensure that it is managed, monitored, and run efficiently for the benefit of the users.
Communications with the Donors
  • Darul Uloom Markaze Islami makes all efforts to keep communication with the donors and gain their confidence through its well-planned supervision, implementation of their projects, and efficient operation of the projects.
  • Darul Uloom Markaze Islami keeps in touch with the donors through periodic reports which are sent to them during the implementation of the project as well as after its completion and in the operating phase of the projects.
  • Moreover, Darul Uloom Markaze Islami informs the donors of the possibility of any future upgrading of the projects if they would choose to participate in it.
For more information about Darul Uloom Markaze Islami’s projects please contact Darul Uloom Markaze Islami office.